Gabe was very excited to share his recent artwork with everyone. This started as a color-by-number and progressed to a war scene complete with alien invasion. At least the sun is happy!

Gabe has also started learning addition! He is a natural at Math (of course!) and is always very excited to learn something new. Matt and I have taught him the "hand" method where he's counting on his fingers. He much prefers a calculator, but I refuse to let him use it. This was the first worksheet he completed without any help from either parent and has since progressed and completed a 1st Grade workbook we bought at the PX. Zero's trip him up a little, he can't understand that you don't add anything for that number. We haven't started subtraction yet, but are planning on starting soon. I'm so thankful for a kid that wakes up in the morning and asks to do worksheet pages!!

The last couple weeks haven't been nearly as busy as the beginning of the month, thankfully, but we are still moving! Gabe's T-Ball is in full swing now with practice twice a week and a game every weekend. Matt's job has been incredibly busy and is on his last class of this fiscal year. Zander isn't walking freely yet, but is moving and growing like crazy. I can't wait for him to start walking so we can be done carrying him! Recently he's developed this "helper" attitude where he picks up everything off tables and floors and puts them in laundry baskets, my purse, under the couch and then claps. He really tries to help clean up toys and other things, but it's resulted in many frantic searches for remotes, shoes and credit cards/IDs. Anything on the floor or tabletop has become fair game. Friday was the 16 week mark for baby #3 and I had my OB appointment today. Baby's heartbeat was 150 and strong. I've felt a couple kicks, but nothing continuous yet. Apparently now we can go to Osan's Radiology department for ultrasounds so tomorrow I'll call to schedule that appointment. We are still of the opinion to be surprised by the gender, I'll let you know if we change our minds. A boy or a girl would both be a great addition to our family! I only have two more appointments in Korea before we move back to the States, nerve-wracking!! The OB I had today is the same I had throughout my pregnancy with Zander, I really like him. I was surprised that he remembered me and the boys, there are so many pregnant women here! In other news, I recently completed three more books: ScreamFree Parenting by: Hal Edward Runkel, Room by: Emma Donoghue and Black Magic Sanction by: Kim Harrison. I have plenty more I'm hoping to complete before we leave here, but we'll see how it goes.
I must sign off for now and feed the crazies some lunch! 51 more days!
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