Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Apple printing

I had plans for today. It involved leaving the house. It involved running errands, getting things mailed, grabbing items we have run out of and returning a pair of pants.

 And then, Zander looked at me and said, "Do we HAVE to go TODAY?? Can't we go another day?" And then it started raining and the temperature dropped to 50 degrees.  And I decided, "No, we don't have to go shopping today.  Want to do art instead?"

Art is HUGE at our house.  It takes precedence over reading, over watching Netflix, over eating, over bath time (although some of those like Netflix and baths are usually related to art time).  I have been trying to include one art project a week.  We do coloring with markers, pencils and crayons often.  We do stickers and stamps often.  By art project, I mean something out of the ordinary, something that requires a little more out of me so that they can do something different.

We have done a lot of painting lately and while I would love to move away from that medium, we ended up painting again today.  Today, we did apple printing.

I have seen lots of ideas about how to do apple printing and have been meaning to do this for awhile but something always seemed to take priority.  I would have LOVED to do a big mural with our roll of paper but Zander and Calla wanted to make individual pictures.  It worked out better this way, as Calla was more of a smear painter than a stamper (like Zander).

I am glad we made time to do this art work today and can't wait to see it hanging on the walls.

(I have started an Amazon affiliate account, so if you buy something from Amazon that I have linked, I get a commision.)

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